Month: April 2013

2 Day Collaborative Workshop

Over the past 2 days at uni, we were put into random pairs and given the task to respond to a word between the two of us and present final illustrations for it today (Friday).

Initially I thought this was going to go badly as both me and my partner have very different styles and approaches to doing work, and I don’t even think I have a set ‘style’ in this point in the course: I seem to try something different for every project!

Anyway, our word was ‘protection’ and we chose to interpret this through drugs: the protection people feel when they take more drugs and painkillers and thinking they’re ‘protecting’ their bodies but actually harming them and becoming addicted.

To combine our ‘styles’ of our work, I created some patterns and imagery of pills in vibrant colours using oil pastels, which we then scanned into photoshop and combined with my partners drawings of faces to create 3 portrait-like illustrations around this theme of false protection: the charcater slowly becoming more ill and less protected.

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