
End of our Collaboration Project and Final Outcomes

Today was the end of our collaboration projects! Below are a selection of photos of our final piece. The quality wasn’t fantastic due to the dim lighting in the studio at the time but I hope to get some better images eventually.

As seen our final piece bought together our conversation, creating a story through responding to each others scenes, almost like a story board. We focused on one main narrative but then allowed ourselves to go forward or back in time, exploring different realities and connecting different outcomes altogether. We began by looking at an image by Van Gogh as seen in some of the images to create a starting point. To make it clear who’s illustrations were who’s, I painted my imagery and my partner Georgie focused hers around materials used for drawing: I think this worked well in doing this as without it our working methods were a little similar and hard to distinguish, especially if we were using the same colours etc.

I think we were both really happy with how this turned out. We did have a problem with the large scale printing as the print wasn’t ready and thought we may have to print out all 35 of the images separately to stick to the wall but we received our print in the end thankfully. – We printed at an A1 scale. We both agreed, as did others that the colours worked well together and overall the piece was quite unique and interesting.


Overall, even though part of me was eager to delve into our BA7 studio project and research report, I really enjoyed this project and felt that it had a lot of benefits:

  • Making us produce a lot of work and ‘getting back into the swing of things’
  • Thinking about narrative sequence, something we’re both looking at
  • Playing with a simple bright colour pallette
  • Looking at pace and flow
  • Bouncing ideas off each other
  • And using our imagination in general!