Initial Imagery – Flowers for Algernon
Over the past couple of days I’ve been playing around with ink to create different imagery for my ‘Flowers for Algernon’ project. Here are a few examples.
Above I tried to make a really rough, gharish blurry face by letting the ink run each other which came out in an interesting way I thought. However maybe it does look too ‘creepy’ and needs to be more refined.
I also played around with making my own Rorschach tests as they are key to the story. To me the brighter red blobs at the top looked a little like a man drawing.
These green areas are where ink leaked through onto this drawing from another ink covered piece of paper. I have been playing around with the amount of ink I use to create memory or uncertainness and confusion. I will see where this leads.
Finally, one thing I did was turn things over as usually on the reverse side of the paper the ink would have seeped through and made some really interesting marks like here for example: this, in my opinion looks much better than the original painting / drawing on the other side.
Obviously these images don’t stand on their own but their purpose for me is to get a grasp with paints and inks and just playing around with media and mood really. I hope to layer up these with other images as well as creating collage out of these unusual marks.